About Us

We at EACHDS are proud to share our vision, mission, and values with the people we support in the community and are dedicated to creating an inclusive, equitable, and thriving society for all.

Our Vison:

To create a community that is inclusive and equitable for all, so people with disabilities to unlock their potential, building ability to thrive.

Our Mission:

To empower people living with disabilities, connect them with resources and provide the tools needed for them to live a life of autonomy and self-realisation to reach their full potential and create meaningful life and connection .

Our Purpose:

We connect and partner with people, who have disability, mental health and complex needs and their families in their environment to provide safe and reliable individualized high-quality care and wellbeing services and help them build their strengths to achieve their goals.

EACHDS exists to care for and support our customers’ needs. Our staff will welcome and support our participants and their families with high quality, safe, and reliable personalized support. We respect diversity and we are sensitive to the beliefs, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds of people with disability and advocate for their fair rights and inclusion. 

Our Values:

Connect: We connect with people, listen and learn more about them.

Respect: We respect the diversity in our dealing and treat everyone with respect and courtesy. We are respectful and responsive in our dealings with others and we encourage independence and acknowledge people’s gifts.

Equity: We believe in fairness and transparency and we are open and responsive in our dealing with others.

Accountability: We take accountability seriously and accept the responsibility in the course of action.

Thrive: We grow together to build individual capability and strengths of our clients to realise their potentials.

Integrity: We are honest and ethical in what we do and we keep our commitments. We are open and transparent in our decisions.

Value: We consider all people are worthy and important with equal value of life and our diversity brings unique talents and energies.

Empowerment: We believe all people have choice and control of their lives.